Allow track unpaid leaves
Enables the option to request unpaid leave
Allow track carry-over day
Enables the option to work on weekends to compensate for regular workdays
Allow track paid leaves
Allows reporting additional paid time off
Paid leaves start balance *
The number of additional paid days off allowed by the company
Minimum vacation days *
The minimum number of vacation days an employee can take. The system is set up to ensure that the employee always has at least this number of days left, so we recommend setting this to 0 or a negative value. A negative value allows employees to take vacation days “on credit” if they haven’t accrued them by the request date
Annual vacation days limit *
The annual number of paid vacation days
Maximum vacation days *
The maximum number of paid vacation days that can be accrued by an employee
Reset vacation days to 0 at start of the year
All unused vacation days expire at 00:00 on January 1st.
Add burned vacation days to payroll compensation
Any vacation days accrued beyond the maximum allowed vacation balance are considered in the payroll payout. For example, if the maximum vacation days are 20 and an employee works up to that value, further accrued vacation days (beyond 20) will expire each month and be included in the payroll payout
Show the remaining vacation days until the end of the year
The vacation balance shows up to the end of the current year in the vacation calculator
Disable part vacation/sickness hours input
Disables manual entry of partial absence hours. With this option enabled, employees can only request 8 or 4 hours of leave
Disable part unpaid/paid leaves hours input
Allows employees to request 8 or 4 hours of leave
Calculate vacations based on time tracking
Vacation days are calculated based on tracked time
Calculation method *
The calculation method used for vacation pay accrual
Period after which vacations will be available, months *
Determines when vacation will be available, for example, after the probationary period
Disable sickness tracking
Disables sick leave reporting if the company policy does not provide reimbursement for sick leave
Sickness days limit with 100% compensation *
The number of sick days that are fully compensated
Partial sickness days limit *
The number of sick days that are partially compensated
Compensation of partial sickness days, % *
The percentage of sick leave days compensated by the company
Period after which sick leaves will be available, months *
Defines when sick leave will be available, for example, after a certain period of employment

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