Time off balance report has been created in the system to track vacation days for all employees in the company. This report shows the number of used and accrued vacation days, sick days, paid time off, unpaid leave, and employee workday transfers.

Interface Overview

A filter for searching by employee name has been added to the left side of the report. The Recalculate All Balances option allows you to manually update leave balances after making changes to the accrual policy or individual balance adjustments.

At the beginning of the new year, it is necessary to recalculate all balances to update or add days according to your policy.

The vacation balance in the report shows the actual number of days accrued during the employee’s period of employment. To view the balance that the employee will see (often, the employee is shown the remaining available days until the end of the year), you can check the Employee Timeoffs section in the employee’s profile.

The report displays the following data:

Date Of Employment — Resign Date
The date of employment and termination of the employee
The number of used leave days
The remaining number of leave days
Set Balance
An option to set an individual balance
Add to Payroll
An option to add the remaining compensation to the payroll when the employee is terminated

The report allows you to set a new vacation or sick leave balance. To do this, click Set Balance in the employee’s row and specify the new balance of days as of the end of the selected month.

If you set the balance as of the end of the current month, it will be applied starting from the 1st of the next month.

By clicking on the employee’s leave balance in the report, you will be taken to the Time Off Calculator report.

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