Description of the functional
The Clients section in the ITFin system enables the management of client information, including contact details, financial information, active contracts, and other essential data. The functionality includes options for adding, editing, and deleting client records, as well as search and filtering features for quick access to the required information.
What does it solve?
All legal or natural persons acting as customers are entered into the system under the general term clients.
The section stores all relevant information about them in one place for convenient access and management, streamlining the processes of adding and updating client information.
Interface overview
The page contains a list of all the company’s clients. At the center of the page is a table displaying key details for each client:
• Client Name
• Country of Location
• Total Number of Projects
• Client Account Manager
• Edit and Delete Buttons
For quick client search in the list, filters are available on the right side of the page, allowing you to easily filter the complete client list by name or status (active or inactive clients).